Saturday 14 June 2014

Hadrian's Wall Walk Day 0

So here I sit, in an anonymous motel room in Wallsend, the riveting spectacle of Colombia v Greece my only company.

It is the eve of my walk, and all that stands between me and Bowness on Solway is the 84 miles of the Hadrian's Wall path and the Pennines: A daunting prospect, but less worrying to me than the thought of having to walk through a couple of rough areas of Newcastle tomorrow for the first couple of miles. I hope the natives aren't hostile; I can't speak the language and do not wish to offend their gods.

To pass the time this afternoon, before my OH drove home, we walked down to the start point of the route, the Roman fort and museum of Segedunum. Here are some photos:

First photo is a view over the excavated Segedunum site taken from the impressive viewing tower.

The second is me showing off my first Hadrian's Wall Walk Passport stamp.

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