Monday 3 April 2017

An Inconvenient Truth: Lost WCs of Barrow in Furness: INTRO


The Victorian and Edwardian planners who designed the Industrial Revolution townscape were visionaries: Foresighted forefathers who understood that working people needed somewhere to take a leak.

In recognition of this necessity, they placed "public conveniences" around our towns - and with as much a sense of civic pride as they showed with their grandiose town halls, public libraries and parks.

In these less enlightened, austere, times, many of these public conveniences have been lost, abandoned, or closed altogether. Vandalism, neglect, penny-pinching and a blinkered disregard for the needs of the people who visit our town centres have seen a catastrophic decline in these once-ubiquitous cathedrals of relief.

Come with me on a journey of discovery in praise of the Lost Toilets of Barrow in Furness.

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